老师上课说有8个特殊形容词(也有副词),如make progress,我的钱全部都花出来了,0

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老师上课说有8个特殊形容词(也有副词),如make progress,我的钱全部都花出来了,0
老师上课说有8个特殊形容词(也有副词),如make progress,

老师上课说有8个特殊形容词(也有副词),如make progress,我的钱全部都花出来了,0
主要有leave(离开).get(得到).keep(保持).make(使,令), let(让), help(帮助), have(有;让;从事;允许;拿)等.
1) have sb do 让某人干某事
eg:What would you have me do?
2)have sb/sth doing 让某人或某事处于某种状态,听任
eg: I won't have women working in our company.
The two cheats had the light burning all night long.
3)have sth done 让别人干某事,遭受到
eg:you 'd better have your teeth pulled out.
He had his pocket picked.
notes: "done"这个动作不是主语发出来的.
1)make sb do sth 让某人干某事
eg:They made me repeat the story.
What makes the grass grow?
notes: I was made to repeat the story.
2)make sb/sth done/adj./n 使某人/某物…
eg. The news made him happy.
He couldn't make himself heard above the noise of the traffic.
His actions made him universally respected.
He made her his wife.
3)make sb. sth
=make sth. for sb. 为某人做某物
eg. My aunt make me a kite.
=My aunt make a kite for me.
1)get sb to do 使某人干某事
eg: I can't get anyone to do the work properly.
2)get sth done 让别人干某事
eg: I must get my hair cut.
Can you get the work finished in time?
1)leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事
eg: We left him to paint the gate.
I'll leave you to settle all the business.
2)leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态
eg: Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.
We left him painting the gate.
3)leave sth done/adj./prep.phrase
eg:Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions unanswered.
His illness has left him weak.
I was left with a ray of hope.
使役性动词(Causative Verb)
1.make /have/ let +sb. +do sth./let+down+sb.
2.get/set/leave + sb to do/doing sth.
be was/were been

老师上课说有8个特殊形容词(也有副词),如make progress,我的钱全部都花出来了,0 形容词变副词特殊形式有什么 it was not well developed 这里的well 是做形容词吗?为什么老师上课有说什么时候只能做身体好.能不能说it was not developed well将其做副词?或者把develope做动词? 副词有形容词吗? 英语名词复数的特殊变化有哪些?统统列举哦,形容词,副词的特殊 1.形容词,副词的相互转换与特殊形式.2.形容词,副词的比较级及特殊形式.另外,有平江中学的么?我是新生, 感官动词后面跟形容词还是副词?I don't feel(good/well)They are laughing (happy/happily)我记得感官动词后面是跟形容词的,老师上课也讲过,但是答案却不一样.第一个答案选的是well第二个是happily, 英语中怎样把名词变为形容词或副词,有哪些特殊的变法 小学英语中有哪些副词,形容词,体育运动名称,特殊疑问,感叹词,连接词,冠词,其他常用词 英语里面,形容词有比较级,副词也有比较级,形容词又能变副词,那要求写形容词的比较级,要先变副词吗?RT,感觉好混乱, 副词特殊的比较级有哪些?越多越好!尽量多说~原级也写下来!只写特殊的! 孩子8岁了,老师说他上课不爱动脑,回家叫他作业.他就不愿意.我说做完有奖励.他也不要.软硬 形容词作状语与副词作状语有什么区别举个例子吧,那种说形容词作状语,表示她和主语构成系表结构, 英语单词后面有时会有标(a./ad),意思是不是说这个单词即可以表示形容词或副词 一个名词有形容词,它的副词是名词加ly还是形容词加ly为什么或者说,什么词加ly有可能是形容词 或副词? 形容词变副词 特殊的有哪些 越多越好 如possible——possibly adj adv 要这种格式 英语中副词比较级的问题我知道副词是有比较级和最高级的,但是不是只有特殊的副词才有?例如:He can jump higher .但是,一般的形容词,如 effectively(有效率地)是否也有比较级和最高级?We should wor 请问有个电影名?片段是上课迟到假装早退后退进教室,老师说sit down