这句话主谓宾是什么,里面有什么词组么,可以在什么地方加关键词么she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 20:45:45

这句话主谓宾是什么,里面有什么词组么,可以在什么地方加关键词么she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for
she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for

这句话主谓宾是什么,里面有什么词组么,可以在什么地方加关键词么she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for
这句话的中文意思是 她很享受在她买下自己最开始想要的裙子之前,让服务生把橱窗的衣服几乎全部带过来.隐含的意思是,这个女生心中早已知道自己想买的是第一件,但是还是想指使买衣服的人把橱窗里的衣服一件件的给她拿过来,让她试穿个够.句子我帮你切分下she enioyed making the assistant bring almost everything in the window这里面有2个短语,enjoy doing sth喜欢做,make sb do sth使某人做 还有个enjoy onself 过的愉快开心,我删除下,这样你能看明白 before finally buying the dress( she had first asked for)这句话括号里是定语从句,我给你还原下:before she bought the dress that she had first asked for.这里面的时间状语从句的主语和主句主语都是一个人she,因此被省略,用了非谓语结构,doing 表主动.整句话还原:She enjoyed herself.she enjoyed making the assistant bring alomst everything before she finally bought the dress that she had first asked for.


she主语enioyed 谓语herself 宾语make sb do sth词组enjoy sb doing sth

“she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for”

这个句子 是这样:
she enjoyed herself making the assista...


“she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for”

这个句子 是这样:
she enjoyed herself making the assistant (to)bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress (that)she had first asked for”
3、宾语:直接宾语 herself ;间接宾语:making 引导的动名词短语
4、 bring almost everything 不带to的动词不定式短语。为making的宾语;
5、“before ……”句为状语,修饰making
6、she had first asked for为“定语从句”,修饰the dress .



she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally
buying the dress she had first asked for.
提主干:she enjoyed herself (主谓宾) + before 引导的时间状语(或条件状语)...


she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally
buying the dress she had first asked for.
提主干:she enjoyed herself (主谓宾) + before 引导的时间状语(或条件状语){状语从句中,嵌入了一个定语从句}

里面包含的固定搭配:enjoy doing sth 享受干某事 make sb do sth 让某人干某事



she是主语,谓语是enjoyed,herself是宾语,the dress she had first asked for这句里 she had first asked for是定语从句,making the assistant bring almost everything in the window 这句是伴随状语,词组,make sb do sth这句是从“making the assi...


she是主语,谓语是enjoyed,herself是宾语,the dress she had first asked for这句里 she had first asked for是定语从句,making the assistant bring almost everything in the window 这句是伴随状语,词组,make sb do sth这句是从“making the assistant bring almost everything ”找到的,ask for sth【解答希望满意】


这句话主谓宾是什么,里面有什么词组么,可以在什么地方加关键词么she enioyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for 这句话的主谓宾分别是什么? I never felt nothing in the world like this beforenoting 在句子里面是充当什么成分,这句话的主谓宾是什么 什么叫主谓词组 中华民族有五十六个民族组成.这句话的句子成分怎么划分,主谓宾分别是什么? 【主谓宾】“ The machine was invented ”这句话的主谓宾分别是什么? 主谓宾的用法?一辆做匀速直线运动驶向峭壁的汽车,这句话的主谓宾是什么? 这句话的主谓宾?中国人自古对宗教不持绝对化立场.主谓宾定壮补是什么? 我想问下英语中疑问句里面怎么确定语法.what type of plant is this 这句话里面有主谓宾什么的吗? I can swim.这句话的主谓宾时什么? 英语翻译翻译,再说一下这句话有什么相关词组?结构是什么?分析下,我看不太懂 俞敏洪 里面有词组么? 请问这句话是什么句,为什么,以及里面的词组,词语的用法及拓展 我无法忘记的是他的背影.这句话的主干是什么主谓宾是什么? “莫问白云何处有”这句话是什么句型?像问、说、看后面跟一个主谓结构的句子,这种是属于什么句型? come to my famidy and see us.这句话的主谓宾是什么?是问过了啊,可是我不懂一句话什么能有2个谓语啊?还没有主语? 这句话的主谓宾是什么?On October 13,1955,at the Six Gallery in San Francisco,Allen Ginsberg read his poem Howl,thus inauguration both a new style in poetry and the beat movement.Thus 后面的主谓宾是什么?这句话到底有几个主谓 help us to be indepent.这句话是对的还是错的 里面有什么词组,那to是表目的吗.