
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 03:22:01


“ A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future." this is Mrs Chanel favourite quotation from Paul riley.she firmly believes:" a woman with elegant dress must be a woman full of charming."
a good perfume works effectively for our moods,just a little bit,and you feel different minds with more confidnece,romatic and elegant.it can make a woman more beautiful by attracting men losing themselves in scent.perfume-makers entitle " liquid diamond" to good perfumes ,while women believe a perfume maker is the artist of magic fragrance in the world.
A moment she passing by,or short staying,tells her indistinct nature.it could be wild,elegant,capable or maybe luxurious,which reminds you a missing person,a scenery,or a fade memory.A woman scent comes form her deep soul,like a butterfly in the sky,tells her own unique story.flower blooming in Spring and leaf falling in autumn,in this world,the perfume named women as women herself.

"a woman without perfume has no future" This is the words which Chanel ladies like most of Franch famous poet ——Paul.Valeria. She think: "a woman in elegant dress is also the charming one."


"a woman without perfume has no future" This is the words which Chanel ladies like most of Franch famous poet ——Paul.Valeria. She think: "a woman in elegant dress is also the charming one."
perfume has quite effect on our mood,with only a little,it can bring us into different mental state,making us more confident、romantic and elegant. It not only can make women's dress more perfect,but also can let man enjoy magnificent atmosphere. perfumer call perfume “liquid diamond”. while women think perfumer is "the artist to blend the sweet smell of whole world".

Once a fragrant woman pass by or have a short stay,unruliness、elegance、succinctness or luxury indistinctly appears,you may think of a person who gradually went away、one scenery、one fade old story. perfume exhales from deep spirit of women,as a dancing butterfly, expressing the mood and the expecting of women. So light to move, with spreading frangrance, in this world, because of perfume, women become more like a women.



"A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future." – It was the favorite quote of Ms. Chanel from Paul Valery, a famous French poet. She believes that an elegantly dressed woman should at the same time...


"A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future." – It was the favorite quote of Ms. Chanel from Paul Valery, a famous French poet. She believes that an elegantly dressed woman should at the same time be the one with charming air.

Perfume really makes a difference on your feelings. A little perfume can take you into a different mood where you become more confident, romantic and elegant. It not only helps to dress up a perfect woman, but also appeals to men by creating an enjoyable atmosphere. Perfume mixers call perfume the “liquid diamond”, while women call the perfume mixers the “artists who make the world fragrant.”

At any moment when a sweet-smelling woman passes by or stops, she will, visibly or secretly, make one feel her wilderness, elegance, simplicity or luxury. This is the moment that suddenly brings someone, something or some old stories back to you, when you think they are fading out from your memory. Perfume releases itself from the inner most soul of women, to express their feelings and expectations like a butterfly that flies quietly. Following her soft steps and sweet scent, the world is so lovely with perfume that makes women more womanlike.



英语翻译“不擦香水的女人没有未来.”这是夏奈尔女士最爱引述的法国著名诗人保罗.瓦莱利的一句话.她认为:一个衣着优雅的女人,同时也是一个气息迷人的女人.”香水能对我们的心情起 不抽烟的女人没有过去,不吃冰激凌的女人没有现在,不用香水的女人没有将来这句话是什么 英语翻译:香水是女人的第二层肌肤,也是女人的第一层内衣. 英语翻译你是一个骗子,你想骗我的香水,我发送给你的货物完全正确,凭什么说我是假货,我发送给你香水完全是中国制造,没有品牌,我知道,你想买高仿的香水,但是你没有告诉我,我也会很遗憾 英语翻译香水说明书,这句怎么翻译? 有没有不物质的女人 有没有擦双层玻璃的双面擦,以前用的是单层玻璃的双面擦. 用英语怎么说这句话:你是如何区别亚洲香水和欧洲香水的不同的? 有没有巴黎的英文介绍?最好是关于,服装,香水,奢侈品.关于巴黎的一切 woman beauty 香水伊利沙白.雅顿的女人美丽香水适合28岁的未婚女生用吗? 《擦鞋女人》阅读答案“先生,”一个中年妇女问我.我边走边说:“不擦.”女人跟着我说:“只收一块钱,保证给你擦得亮亮的.”我不耐烦地说:“不擦不擦.”加快了脚步.女人还不肯放弃, 英语翻译:如果没有他们,我们的未来将是一片黑暗. 英语翻译:我的世界是一种悲伤,没有未来,只有彷徨 英语翻译原文:有一个女人是我的偶像.她改变当时人们的观念,使时尚走进每个女人的生活.她是个才华洋溢的设计师.她设计出无数著名的服装,珠宝还有香水.其中最著名的是小黑裙,曾有人说 我认为像男人这种肮脏生物不应该存在这世界上,你们觉得呢或许你们想反驳说没有男人怎么会有女人?对,男人存在的唯一原因就是让女人生育,也就是未来技术突破后使女女也可以生育,男人 英语翻译这是DIor真我香水的广告语,求最地道的翻译,有文采的翻译,拒绝中国式英语. 未来是属于我自己的 英语翻译 英语翻译:这句话是形容女人的吗?