从A,B,C,D,E,中选出各句的答案A,Hey,Mom.Can i invite some friend to the party Sunday aftebnoon?B,( )But you have to do some chore fiest.A,what do i have to do.B,well,first you should sweep the kitchen floor.A,OK.( )B,then you should ta

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 20:21:04

从A,B,C,D,E,中选出各句的答案A,Hey,Mom.Can i invite some friend to the party Sunday aftebnoon?B,( )But you have to do some chore fiest.A,what do i have to do.B,well,first you should sweep the kitchen floor.A,OK.( )B,then you should ta
A,Hey,Mom.Can i invite some friend to the party Sunday aftebnoon?
B,( )But you have to do some chore fiest.
A,what do i have to do.
B,well,first you should sweep the kitchen floor.
A,OK.( )
B,then you should take out the trash.
A,Yeah.( )
B,And you need to clean your room.
A,Wow!i am going to be too tirde to go to my own party.
B( )i ll going to the store for drinks and snacks.
A,( )
A,i ll help you B,Then what?C,Thanks,Mom D,Sure,youcan.E,Ican do that.

从A,B,C,D,E,中选出各句的答案A,Hey,Mom.Can i invite some friend to the party Sunday aftebnoon?B,( )But you have to do some chore fiest.A,what do i have to do.B,well,first you should sweep the kitchen floor.A,OK.( )B,then you should ta

A,Hey,Mom。Can I invite some friends to the party this Sunday aftebnoon?
B,( D,Sure,you can。 )But you have to do some chores first。
A,What do I have to do。
B,Well,first you should swee...


A,Hey,Mom。Can I invite some friends to the party this Sunday aftebnoon?
B,( D,Sure,you can。 )But you have to do some chores first。
A,What do I have to do。
B,Well,first you should sweep the kitchen floor。
A,OK。(E,I can do that 。 )
B,Then you should take out the trash。
A,Yeah。( B,Then what? )
B,And you need to clean your room。
A,Wow!I am going to be too tired to go to my own party。
B(A,iI'll help you 。 )I ‘m going to the store for drinks and snacks。
A,( C,Thanks,Mom )



从A,B,C,D,E,中选出各句的答案A,Hey,Mom.Can i invite some friend to the party Sunday aftebnoon?B,( )But you have to do some chore fiest.A,what do i have to do.B,well,first you should sweep the kitchen floor.A,OK.( )B,then you should ta IQ测试题,请从A,B,C,D中选出答案,并说出理由 从a b c d中选出读音不同的选项 从A.B.C.D.E同学中选出2名同学参加演唱会,有几种不同的选法?并告诉方案 植物从土壤中吸收的硝酸盐,用于合成什么A脂肪B纤维素C蛋白质D葡萄糖选出答案后,要说明为什么 请选出下面词语中与众不同的一个a 天津b 上海c 济南d 武汉e 杭州 从A,B,C,D中选出含有相同音素的选项1.A.a f B.b p C.d j D.i r2.A.b i B.d r C.g p D.j p3.A.h l B.e u C.h m D.n x4.A.m w B.s r C.c f D.z l5.A.h z B.s v C.v h D.f s 从A、B、C、D中选出与句中划线部分意义最接近的词语. They began to prepare their lessons last week. 〔 〕 A. finished B. became C. invited D. started 题目中哪处应该划线?应该选哪个答案? 从A、B、C、D中选出与句中划线部分意义最接近的词语.Tom runs faster than any other student in his class.[ ] A.faster B.fast C.fastest D.faster of all 题目中哪处应该划线?答案应该选哪个? 智商测试题答案1、选出不同的一项.A、蛇 B、大树 C、老虎 2、在下列分数中,选出不同类的一项.A、3/5 B、3/7 C、3/9 3、男孩对男子,正如女孩对:A、青年 B、孩子 C夫人 D、姑娘 E、妇女 4、如 选出不同类的一项A.聪明 B.机智 C.果断 D.狡诈 E.灵活 从四个选项中选出一个划线部分读音语与其余三个不同的选项.A.vase-a B.dance-a C.after-a D.plate-a 从1至10这十个整数中,选出A、B、C、D、E、五个数满足下面六个条件:(1)D比6大;(2)D能被C整除;(3)A与D的和等于B;(4)A、C、E、三数之和等于D;(5)A与C的和比E小;(6)A与E的和比C与5的 请从下列物质从选出与其他4个不同的一个,并说明理由A.碘 B.硫 C.溴 D.硅 E.碳 细胞核不含:A核膜 B染色体 C核仁 D核糖体 E蛋白质 请选出答案并解释原因. 1.从A.B.C.D.E五名学生中选出四名分别参加数学、物理、化学、英语竞赛,其中A不参加物理、化学竞赛,...1.从A.B.C.D.E五名学生中选出四名分别参加数学、物理、化学、英语竞赛,其中A不参加物 关于遗传学方面的题,一个基因型为a+b+c+d+e+并对链霉素敏感的E.coliHfr菌株与基因型为a-b-c-d-e-并对链霉素耐性的F-菌株接合,30分钟后,用链霉素处理,然后从成活的受体中选出e+型的原养型,发现它 (1)2,13,40,61,( ).A.46.75 B.82 C.88.25 D.121找规律题,请从4个答案中选出一项填入括号内.