求一段英文文字的翻译Before you judge a man, walk 1000 meters in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's 1000 meters away and you've got his shoes.是什么意思,貌似蛮有道理的?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 21:16:53

求一段英文文字的翻译Before you judge a man, walk 1000 meters in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's 1000 meters away and you've got his shoes.是什么意思,貌似蛮有道理的?
Before you judge a man, walk 1000 meters in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's 1000 meters away and you've got his shoes.是什么意思,貌似蛮有道理的?

求一段英文文字的翻译Before you judge a man, walk 1000 meters in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's 1000 meters away and you've got his shoes.是什么意思,貌似蛮有道理的?
这里是(感谢万能的网络)苏格兰喜剧演员Billy Connolly的原话:
  Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ... He's a mile away and
you've got his shoes.'
首先要理解put yourself in someone's shoes的用法,就是中文里的“把你放在当事人的处境“.
后半句是搞笑/打趣的,就是当你"walk a mile in his shoes"之后,为什么还要“评论“那人,他已经在1英里之外,而且你还捡了个便宜(his shoes).言下之意,他不会对你有任何影响,你也得了好处,放过他(也放过自己)吧.