
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:52:43


On Chinese Ecological Agriculture and Industrialized Agricultural Operations
Eco-agricultural industrialization which is available to increase efficiency and income is the general orientation of farm development during the new era. We should establish compatible industrialized main structure and industrial organization structure,advance agricultural industrialization to manage energetically,advocate the idea of eco-agricultural industrialization and pollution reduction to stride new step of eco-agricultural industrialization development.
Eco-agricultural industrialization is comprehensive agriculture that changes the traditional single planting structure,combines farming with aquaculture and processing industry,forms ab all-sided development in farming, forestry, live stock raising, sidelines and fishery to increase output,economic benefit and income.Agriculture is not only prerequisite condition for human surviving and developing if taken sutable development way,but also provides new energy,chemical material and changes our environment with offering ideal resort for sightseeing, entertainment and relaxation and eventually to become veritable primary industry.Eco-agricultural industrialization is energy-saving agriculture which takes advantage of the rule of nature to controls insect pest and disease,the rule of multilevel utilization ability to raise solar cell conversion efficiency so that pesticide and fertilizer dosage reduce as well as the cost of agricultural production.Eco-agricultural industrialization is sustainable agricultural and worthy of popularization for it improves the rate of resources uses,avoids abusing and wasting resources.
Key words:Eco-agricultural industrialization,New resource, Sustainable argiculture

英语翻译论中国生态农业与产业化经营摘要生态农业产业化是新时期农业发展的方向,是农业增效、农民增收的有效途径.我国应建立与之相适应的产业化主体结构和产业组织结构,大力推进农 什么是农业产业化经营? 如何从事生态农业经营? 英语翻译根据《XX州农业产业化重点龙头企业认定管理办法(试行)》规定,xx州农业产业化经营与农产品加工领导小组对认定到期的州级农业龙头企业进行动态监测.经审核,该公司检测合格, 如何写农业产业化经营文字材料 中国生态农业发展前景展望? 英语翻译可持续发展 产业化 环境污染 环境保护 高科技与产业化 怎样用英文翻译 生态农业与人工生态农业的区别 急寻高手帮我翻译下论文的英文摘要,立刻追加50分!标题 :中外资银行经营治理和发展战略的比较 [摘要] 近年来,金融全球化发展趋势越来越快,外资银行纷纷涌入中国,为中国银行业的发展与 农业产业化经营的含义?求这个的含义! 英语翻译摘要:名牌战略,可以说是当前中国企业界的一个重大课题.创立一个名牌,往往要经过几十年甚至上百年的妥善经营和维护.海尔在短短时间内从一个濒临倒闭的小厂一越成为闻名世界 生态农业 生态农业 文化产业化的可能性与必然性 英语翻译1“兼业农户的转化与农地流转市场的发展”翻译成英文.2“摘要:兼业化经营是世界各国存在的普遍现象.从微观上看,兼业化经营是农户的理性选择;从宏观上看,兼业化经营不利于 英语翻译“利用现代生物技术改造天然晒制酱油工艺与产业化研究”,就翻译这句. 英语翻译摘要:简要介绍了当今世界数控技术及装备发展的趋势及我国数控装备技术发展和产业化的现状,在此基础上讨论了在我国加入WTO和对外开放进一步深化的新环境下,发展我国数控技